This site is an online auction of donated goods and services to raise money for Kevin Dench as he overcomes cancer.

Paying Your Winning Bid or Making a Donation

When the auction for the item your are bidding on is complete and if you have a winning bid you can make payment of your donation in the following ways. Additional donations to the cause can also be made through the following.

To confirm that all items are paid for, track all payments, and show that everything is on the "up and up", all payments will go through the Big Thompson Ward account for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A check will be made from that account directly to Kevin Dench for use for his cancer treatments.

Checks should be made out to the "Big Thompson Ward". Cash or checks can be used with a donation slip. Write the amount next to the line printed: "Other" category with "Kevin Dench" hand written on the line next to it.

If you have any questions or need to make alternative arrangements, please contact Will Kubie at (970) 461-9864 or

If you want to just make a donation regardless of the auction to benefit Kevin's cause, you are free to do so and we thank you for your generosity.

Thank you to all who participated in this fundraising auction by donating items or participating financially.