This site is an online auction of donated goods and services to raise money for Kevin Dench as he overcomes cancer.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Portrait Photography Session

By Teri Durtsche 
Sitting fee is normally $75. Sessions take about an hour.
Have a senior picture or family portrait taken.
Blog featuring some of Teri's excellent work:
Minimum bid $40. Auction closes Friday, 11/12/2010, 10 pm.
Bid by placing a comment below with your name and bid amount. Highest verified bid in comments at bid closing wins.

Item sold to highest bid: Marc and Teri Baldwin for $85.00

A matching bid of $85.00 was granted by the seller for a second photo session to: the Belmont Family


  1. Margie Knighton $40.00

  2. Karyn Shipman bids $55.00

  3. The Chases need new family pictures for Christmas cards...We bid $60

  4. Karyn Shipman bids $65.00

  5. Maybe we can finally get a nice family photo without someone making a silly face.
    We will up the bid to $75.00
    The Belmonts

  6. Marc and Teri Baldwin bid $85.00 We need a new family picture too!
